Dragons. Years ago, Dragons, native to the Afterverse, were hunted to extinction, the unfortunate recipents of unwarrented genocide. Those who escaped the holocaust fled, hiding themselves away. Whispers of the hidden, all that remained died and they were left in peace, sulking on the fringes of existance, forced to appear human to hide from those that would hunt them.

Now, as a new era is emerging, and the dragons have a choice to make...

Fire in His Eyes (Char's Book)

Alcyone Sterling, succubus and owner of Pinkys XXX has a secret admirer, who is leaving her exotic and rare flowers and jewelry beyond beautiful. She doesn’t know who it is, and gets even more curious after a clandestine liaison in her bedroom involving a few silk ties and a blindfold.

Char, Fire elemental and strongest of the last dragons left in the Eververse, is obsessed and in love with the young succubus, and recognizes her as his mate, regardless of her demon status. He has to have her, and will do anything to attain her. When the rest of what’s left of his dying race decided to interfere, Char is forced to made some very rash decisions, all in the name of love.

Deep Water (Kael's Book)

Blurb coming soon!